About The Choreographer

Cheng-Chieh Yu Yu received a B.F.A. in Modern Dance with a minor in Chinese Opera from the Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan in 1989, where her studies included: ballet, modern dance (Graham, Limon, and Cunningham techniques), as well as Chinese martial arts, and Chinese Opera. Yu received an MFA in 1991 from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Dance Department in Performance and Choreography.

Cheng Chieh Yu’s international performance career began as a company member touring Asia, Australia, and Europe with the Taipei based Cloud Gate Dance Theater. During the decade of 1991-2001 based out of New York City Yu danced as a member of companies including – The Jose Limon Dance Company, Gus Solomons Dance Company, Bebe Miller Dance Company, and Ralph Lemon Dance Project. Yu performed in acclaimed venues from Moscow, and Beijing to the Presidential White House in Washington D.C.

Her teaching credits include the Beijing Dance Academy, Beijing Dance Festival, ATV Academy for Performing Arts/China, Guangdong Modern Dance Festival, Academy of Performing Arts/Hong Kong, I-Dance Festival/Hong Kong, Amirta Performance Arts/Cambodia, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan National University of the Arts, Suzanne Dellal Dance Center/Tel Aviv, Ohio State University/Columbus Ohio, Taxes Woman’s University, University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, as well as in NYC at Movement Research, The Limon Institute and Dance Space Inc. She is a Professor of the Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA, on faculty since 2001.

She has received funding from the COLA Individual Artist Fellowship and Cultural Exchange International Fellowship from the City of Los Angeles/Cultural Affairs Department, The James Irvine Foundation, the Cultural Council and the National Culture and Arts Foundation of Taiwan, The Asian Cultural Council, Jewish Federation/LA, the Jerome Foundation, the Durfee Foundation, DTW Suitcase Fund/Rockefeller Foundation, UC Humanities Research Institute and UC Institute for Research in the Arts.



舞蹈劇場編舞, 國立台北藝術大學藝術學士,在校期間主修現代舞,副修京 劇身段武功, 學習項目包括芭蕾舞、現代舞(葛蘭姆、李蒙,及康寧漢技巧)、中國傳統拳 術及京劇崑曲的唱作念打, 師承台灣戲曲大師梁秀娟老師,畢業展演作品包括演出崑曲獨冪 劇“思凡“的色空一角。 1991年取得紐約大學帝許學院(Tisch School of the Arts) 舞蹈藝術碩士 。

1987年加入台灣雲門舞集後,開始展開其演出生涯,隨團至亞、澳,歐巡演。 1989至2001年間定居紐約從事舞蹈表演和編創,曾加入荷西·李蒙 (Jose Limon Dance Co.) 格斯所羅門斯(Gus Solomons Jr.) 碧比米勒(Bebe Miller) 等舞團, 並擔任羅夫雷蒙 (Ralph Lemon)舞蹈計劃的客席藝術家, 演出足跡從莫斯科到美國總統白宮,遍及全美和歐洲各地。

通過多年教/學及工作坊的研究試煉, 深入地關注隱藏在中國傳統拳術的身體文化和後現代舞蹈“放鬆技巧/接觸即興“的關聯性, 余承婕曾客座任教於北京舞蹈學院,北京舞蹈節, 廣東亞視演藝學院, 廣東現代舞蹈節,香港演藝學院,香港I-Dance舞蹈節,國立台北藝術大學, 國立台灣藝術大學,柬埔寨的Amirta Performance Arts,以色列的蘇珊 •德羅舞蹈中心, 美國的俄亥俄州大學(Ohio State University/Columbus Ohio),德州女子大學(Taxes Woman’s University), 威斯康新大學(University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee),紐約的動作研究中心,荷西.李蒙學校和舞蹈空間等。 2001年至今任教加州大學洛杉磯校區(UCLA),世界藝術和文化及舞蹈系教授(Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance)副教授 www.wac.ucla.edu

余承婕所獲得的創作基金包含美國福特基金會(Ford Foundation),亞洲文化協會(Asian Cultural Council),洛杉磯文化部藝術家獎助金及國際文化交流基金 (COLA & Cultural Exchange International)、爾灣基金會 (James Irvine Foundation)、 猶太人聯盟 (Jewish Foundation)、Jerome基金會、Durfee基金會、加州大學人文研究院 (UC Humanity Research Institute), 及加大藝術研究院 (UC Institute for Research in the Arts),台灣文建會和國家文化藝術基金會的獎助。 1995年曾獲得紐約的軒尼斯表演藝術成就獎。她也曾獲得許多機構駐場藝術家的讚助基金,包括以色列的蘇珊 • 德羅舞蹈中心(Suzanne Dellal Dance Center/Israel),美國麻省雅德舞蹈中心 (The Yard/MA), 紐約動作研究中心 (Movement Research),紐約中華資訊和文化中心,UCLA文化交流表演中心(Center for Intercultural Performance),班寧頓大學(Bennington College/VT),以及日本的秋吉台藝術村。 2012獲選國立台北藝術大學35週年傑出校友。

80年代至今,余承婕在台灣、紐約及洛杉磯學習中國傳統拳術。 2008年,正式拜入洛杉磯龍驤武壇鄒家驤師父門下。成為'武壇'中少有的女弟子之一, 2009,2014, 2019年分別獲得在拉斯維加斯和洛杉磯舉辦的國際中國拳術錦標賽中,八卦掌64掌雙人對鍊,八卦蛾眉刺和劈掛掌女子金牌奬,並多次受邀大會的大師展演。 (備注:‘武壇‘是劉雲樵大師於1971年創壇於台灣, 至今其弟子分壇遍佈全世界)