About The Production Designer
Peter Melville is a visual artist and the resident company designer for Yu Dance Theatre. He has exhibited visual artwork in the US including Group Material’s Subway Project (NYC), and internationally in Canada, Germany and Japan. He has created post-modern dance, experimental; theater designs and installations for: Dia Art Foundation’s Robert Whitman Theater Project (1980-84), The Wooster Group-Beatrice Roth, Doug Varone, Whitney Museum at Philip Morris: (Rachael Rosenthal; The Wooster Group) Lance Gries, The Beijing Modern Dance Co., The Creative Society; (Taipei). In 2009 he designed David Roussève’s dance theater touring project; “Saudade”. Melville has created exhibition designs, including for the Whitney Museum of Art- “Blam- 1959-64”, and the New York Food Museum’s acclaimed “School Lunch Exhibit”. From 1989 to ’01, he was the Director of Technical Production at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Performing Arts Institute. Other teaching credits include UCLA’s Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance in Los Angeles, and is visual art faculty at the Crossroads School in Santa Monica California. Artist residencies include Art On the Beach NYC, Armory Center for the Art Pasadena, Santa Monica Environmental Services SMARTS Program. He holds an MFA from CUNY Hunter College.
紐約市立大學韓特學院 (Hunter College) 藝術碩士, 加拿大蒙特樓. 康克爾迪亞大學藝術學士。梅比德的藝術作品以多材質,多媒體,運用強烈的概念結構和厲史參照,傳達精練和敏銳的愴作過程和技巧。他曾在加拿大, 美國,德國,日本等地展出藝術作品。25年來,梅比德在紐約市從事舞蹈劇場的設計,致力於探究舞台設計和雕塑間的共通性。他是紐約大學迪殊學院15年來劇場設計系技術訓練部門的總監,也曾是迪亞藝術基金會(Dia Art Foundation),羅伯.惠特尼(Robert Whitman)實驗劇場5年的團員,設計兼技術指導。